"The Watchtower & Awake magazines will be phased out completely within 5-10 years,"
"Within 20 years the physical books will be gone as well, replaced with online-only publications"
It's possible that the books and magazines may become a thing of the past, even sooner than that. According to a family member at Bethel, a lot of the "work" they are doing is focusing on the production of videos and the printing is being phased out little by little.
At least the Watchtower and Awake magazines and the books brought in some money when the 8 million JW's paid/contributed for them at the literature counter. I'm not sure how they'll be able to make up for this loss of revenue from the magazines and books unless they convince the JW's that as part of their duty to Jehovah they must contribute to the world wide work, by purchasing a yearly online subscription/membership that will allow them to access the videos etc. at JW dot Org .